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10 Ways to Have a God-Centered Relationship


Remember that God’s Love is Sufficient

Remembering that God is enough is key to relationships. It’s a principle that will be required throughout the relationship! To be able to love another person, it’s important to first feel whole without anyone else’s help. We were all created with holes in our hearts that only our Creator can fill. It’s futile to try to fill that hole with anything else. Nothing will complete us like God will. No boyfriend or girlfriend can fix you the way He can and there is no joy like the joy we find in Jesus. Remember, God’s love is free, perfect, unconditional, and more than sufficient for us. We have to first fall in love with God who will purify our hearts and make us whole. Pray, strengthen your relationship with God first and then, with His help, you’ll find that special person! If you think you’ve already met them, stay close to God. He’s the only one that will allow true, self-less love to blossom.


Pray for each other

Being able to communing with the Creator of the universe is so special. Adding your girlfriend or boyfriend to the mix is even moreso. Pray for God to show you His will for your relationship and ask Him to lead the way. Praying together with your partner is also an amazing way to grow your relationship (yes, all 3 of you) together! It doesn’t matter what spiritual level you’re on, praying together can help work out differences, diffuse difficult situations, help you practice humility, and acknowledge a need for help. Pray together, pray alone, just pray!


Talk about God Together

This one may sound simple, but simply talking about God makes God a part of your day-to-day life. Thinking about His will in every decision together helps the “triangle relationship” grow! Try adding “God-willing” after your plans. Make Him as real in your relationship as possible.


Worship Together

Worshipping God is of the utmost importance because when you worship, you acknowledge who He is and who we are in comparison. Worship is praise, thanks, and love all in one! Try the intimate practice of worship with your significant other and lift your spirits upward. Whether it’s going to vespers together, attending a church service, or singing, try doing it as a couple. The more we put ourselves in a position to hear the Holy Spirit, the more in tune we are with God and the more likely we are to know what He wants for our relationships.


Read A Book Together

You’re probably thinking “okay, no” but hear me out! Reading is a wonderful way to grow your relationship with God. Every author has a different interpretation and a view you may not have previously considered. Reading with your partner is great for starting healthy conversations and growing individually, as well as together. Pick up some couples’ study guides to books of the Bible and get started. Anything that will bring your attention heavenward will do the trick!


Be Careful with Physical Affection

I could have avoided entirely since it’s a bit of an awkward topic, but I feel it’s worth discussing. In a relationship there must be boundaries and those boundaries must be respected. True love would never want to jeopardize your future and would never disrespect or degrade anyone either. You want to make sure you love your partner, not lust after them. To avoid temptation, be mindful of the situations you put yourself in. Choose to love your partner by abiding by the boundaries you know in your heart to be correct. Sex and physical affection were created as good things. Wait on God’s ordained timing and choose to live guilt free in Jesus.


Make A 3 Way Date

Have you ever invited God on a date with you and your boyfriend/girlfriend? A fun way to bring God in and focus on Him is to have a date or time set to just get together and praise. Examples can be a picnic reading a devotional, dinner over a Bible chapter or verse you both read beforehand, etc. Have fun! Be creative! Include Jesus!


Listen to Christian Music Together

One tip to bring you and your partner closer to Jesus could be as simple as switching the music you listen to in the car. Praise music has a way of calming and brightening our moods but also makes us less focused on my own problems. This could prevent some negativity, arguments, or temptations that listening to other types of music could bring. Who knows, maybe you can learn some new songs together or share your favorite artists and make a fun playlist together!


Get Involved Together

Church and Adventist Universities have so many opportunities for people to get involved! Why not join a small group together, join a praise band, sing a special music song together, or use any other talents you both have to praise God! This is another great way to put the Lord first! Another option, if you’re on a secular campus, is joining a chapter of Adventist Christian Fellowship (ACF). If your school doesn’t have a group, create one! Making the heart of your relationship one of Christ-centered service will bring you together in a really deep and meaningful way.


Reflect God’s character To One Another

As you grow in God, learning His ways and more of His character, try to show your partner that kind of love. Put them first! Guys, watch a chic flic or go on a picnic! Girls, we can sit through a football game or action movie, right? Let the love of God shine through you and put your partner first! Spoil them with the love He has shown us!

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7



Nov 19, 2024

Thanks a lot for this amazing advice.


Godwin Chukwudi
Godwin Chukwudi
Jun 08, 2024

I love it, that's nice


Razel Bolivar
Razel Bolivar
Apr 19, 2024

I love it, thank you Lord🙌


Feb 08, 2023

it's makes me

a very special and loveable person, as i feel myself that i'm person not doing good but very abusive about sexualy in the center of my christian life. always every time, praying for me is my very assurance to prolong my relationship to my beloved God JESUSCHRIST as my Lord and Saviour, amen.

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